Guiding Principles

Farmers should receive fair prices for the food they produce ensuring the vitality and sustainability of the family farm.

Food sovereignty
New Brunswick residents have a right to control their own healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods within their own agricultural system.

Our anglophone and francophone members have equal right to engage with the NFU-NB in their own language.

Advocacy and activism
We use traditional means of advocacy and direct public action to bring about policy change.

Agriculture should have a positive role in building healthy soil, regenerating eco-systems and fighting climate change.

Resisting corporate control of food
Fighting policy, trade agreements and other attempts of corporate control of seeds, land, water, and all other aspects of the food system
Get things done the right way
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Farm members only
Farm Business Registration
The National Farmers Union is an accredited general farm organization in New Brunswick.
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The NFU-NB continues to experience growth.