Archive for Author: Gillian

Meet Edee

Hello,  I’m Edee, Hayes Farm Co-Creator and Co-Chair of NB Community Harvest Gardens. Hayes Farm is a teaching farm with history and roots and a mission to grow food,

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Meet Amanda

Hello, I’m Amanda. I am a farmer raising beef cattle in Jemseg, NB. I grew up on a fruit, vegetable, beef, woodlot, and hay farm in rural NB with my

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Meet Megan

Hello,  I’m Megan. I am a forest ecologist, a researcher, a fibre artist and a farmer. I farm on a mixed family farm/homestead with my partner, in Anagance, NB.

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Meet Data

Hello, I’m Data. I am a landed immigrant from Indonesia who has lived in Canada intermittently for more than a decade. Having accessed CERB (Canada Emergency Response Benefit) money

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Potash Exploration

Glassville, NB – The National Farmers Union in New Brunswick (NFU-NB) is concerned about a request for proposals for potash exploration. The Government of New Brunswick recently issued a

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