Elections 2015 – Questions for your candidates!

Elections 2015 – Questions for your candidates!

Supply management:

Canada’s supply management system is an important institution that puts food sovereignty into action. Supply management ensures that Canadian consumers can get the chicken, turkey, eggs, milk and dairy products they require and that these are produced in Canada and that Canadian farmers receive a fair price. This system is threatened by corporations and international trade agreements.  Learn more here. 

Will the next federal government resist international and corporate pressure and instead promote and strengthen Canada’s supply management system?


Trade agreements and agriculture:

Trade agreements are promoted on the grounds that they will open markets for Canadian producers.  However, at the same time, they open Canada’s markets for other countries.  Most small and medium-sized businesses do not have the capacity to do overseas marketing.  Learn more about the status of CETA (Canada-European Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement) and the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) here. 

Will the next federal government develop a national food and agriculture policy that reflects the values of food sovereignty instead of pursuing the ever-tightening noose of corporate control embodied in the Free Trade Agreements?


Grain prices and transportation:

Grain prices and transportation affect all farmers across the country, whether as a grain farmer, a livestock farmer or a consumer.  Learn more about how the loss of the Canadian Wheat Board in 2012 has affected farmers and gain the background you need to ask your candidate this question:

What will the next federal government do to improve the grain transportation and marketing system so that it better serves farmers, rural communities, our food system and the Canadian economy?

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