Ensuring Farmers Rights: At Home and Abroad, NFU-NB 2019 AGM

Ensuring Farmers Rights: At Home and Abroad, NFU-NB 2019 AGM

Glassville, Thursday, April 4rd, 2019 – The rights of farmers are continually threatened worldwide. In part due to the tireless work of la Via Campesina and member organizations, the United Nations has recently adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants; aimed at protecting the livelihoods and small-scale methods of food production internationally. At home, Canada not only abstained from voting at the UN, our seed production is under attack as the government hands over our right to save and reuse our own seed to industry. New Brunswick farmers also struggle to survive and thrive here, partly due to a lack of recognition of the importance of seed, land, and community. Join us at our 2019 AGM where we explore the theme of Ensuring Farmers Rights: At Home and Abroad and take the opportunity to discuss and determine how to ensure legislation that will protect farms and farmers.

In the morning, NFU-NB members will put forward resolutions on current policy issues, and AGM business will be covered. Presentations will begin with Jessie McInnis who was present at the UN during the adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants. There will also be a video presentation about seed sovereignty issues by Terry Boehm, chair of the NFU seed committee, with questions answered and comments about this topic made by local seed sovereignty activists.

The afternoon will begin witha presentation on the Farm Land Identification Program (FLIP) with time for questions. Then will follow a short presentation by Jean-Eudes Chiasson, a long time farmer, who will share his experience with and understanding of the use of glyphosate in agriculture. We want to contextualize a discussion with attendees on how the NFU-NB could or should participate in the emerging conversation about the popular herbicide. We believe that listening to farmers and facilitating discussions will help move forward the conversation about food sovereignty.

We have invited members of the Legislative Assembly to join us for lunch, where participants will be able to ask questions and share concerns directly with the policy makers. The National Farmers Union in New Brunswick’s Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, April 10th will be an opportunity for farmers and non-farmers alike to discuss and highlight how to fight for and ensure our rights as farmers in New-Brunswick. 

Meeting details:

●     Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

●     Event to be held at the RBC Room, Beaverbrook Art Gallery, 703 Queen Street, Fredericton, NB

●     Lunch with invited Members of the Legislative Assembly.

●     Registration begins at 9:30 am, and AGM runs from 10 am – 3:30 pm

●     The registration fee is $25 and includes lunch using local ingredients

●     Simultaneous translation provided 

●     Pre-registration encouraged by email info@nfunb.org or (506) 260-0087

The National Farmers Union in New Brunswick is one of two accredited general farm organisations in the province.Our members believe that small and medium sized family farms should remain the primary food-producing units in Canada.As a democratic, membership-driven organization, we promote policies brought forth by our membersthat support family farms.  We work to create spaces for farmers to come together to learn and network. 

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