National Farmers in NB has New Executive Director, July 22, 2013

National Farmers in NB has New Executive Director, July 22, 2013

The National Farmers Union in New Brunswick is pleased to announce the appointment of Marieka Chaplin as Executive Director, effective July 2, 2013.  Chaplin is a resident of Keswick Ridge and grew up in Carleton County, NB. She is a biology graduate of the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario. Chaplin has a background in the environmental consulting sector and has worked for a number of non-profit organizations in NB.  Along with her husband and three children Chaplin operates an apple u-pick named Sandow Farm.

From left: Marieka Chaplin, NFU in NB Executive Director with Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Michael Olscamp.

Marieka Chaplin looks forward to her role in enhancing the success and vitality of the province’s farmers and in the development of progressive agriculture policies. The National Farmers Union (NFU) has represented farm families in all agricultural commodities across Canada for over forty years. Member families of the NFU believe the family farm is the most appropriate and efficient means of agricultural production. Its members work together to achieve that ensure dignity and security of income for farm families, while enhancing the land for future generations.

One of Ms. Chaplin’s goals is to increase the number of NFU in NB members.  She looks forward to visiting farms, farm markets and events that promote locally produced food. The NFU in NB supports buying locally and has been working with the government to promote a NB Grown Label, which will make it easier for consumers to identify food produced in the province.

The National Farmers Union in New Brunswick is one of two accredited general farm organizations in the province. For more information contact us by phone (506) 260-0087 or email

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