Meet Eva

Meet Eva


I’m Eva. I own and operate a farm in Saint-Maurice, with my partner and three children.  We are going into our 9th year of CSAs and farmers markets.  We were both new to farming and moved to a new community.  Not knowing any farmers as our immediate neighbors, I realized I would have to go a little beyond my county.  I was then approached by the president of the National Farmers Union in NB who asked me to join.  I was fortunate to find the National Farmers Union in NB, a committed group of farmers who are willing to share time, knowledge, best practices, and their political involvement with us.

When I first joined the NFU, I was skeptical.  I’d never seen myself as a ‘political’ person, and the NFU was always trying to change something, influence something or advocate for something.  While I was on the Board of Directors, sometimes I felt like I was in over my head, and other times I was amazed at how this small organization was able to do so much.

Through the NFU and its International Programs Committee, I have been fortunate enough to travel to Alabama, Indonesia, and various areas in Canada.  Meeting and working farmers from all over the world is empowering and has inspired me to continue working for changes in our global food system.  I have learnt a lot about food sovereignty and that agro-ecology is the path to get there.

Learn more about food sovereignty & agro-ecology.


While I feel that my best contribution to changing our global food system starts with me and the practices we use on our farm, I find it comforting to know that there’s an organization continuing to advocate for sound policies for the future of farming and our food system.  That’s why I continue to be a member of the National Farmers Union in NB.

Join or renew your membership today.

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